Mould can creep up on you, forming in less-visible areas of your bathroom and continuing to spread until it’s too late. A mouldy bathroom can have a major effect on your health and overall quality of life, that you may not even realise, causing damage to your lungs and worsening symptoms of asthma. Aside from different chemicals and products, there are some pretty easy routines you can learn on how to prevent mould in bathrooms.
At Atkins Plumbing we offer preventative maintenance plumbing, which is a quick and effective way of assessing any issues your pipes may be having that could be leading to the spread of mould. If you’re concerned about mould in your home and would like to speak to a professional, contact us today.
How to Prevent Mould in Bathrooms
What Causes Mould?
So, what causes mould in the first place? Mould typically forms when spores (tiny particles of mould which travel through the air) find a damp place to land and spread. If the surface continues to stay damp, over time the mould will continue to grow. Eventually, the mould will eat away and corrode the material it has attached itself to. While it’s difficult to rid your space of mould spores, you can read on to learn how to prevent mould in bathrooms, to ensure that the spores can’t find a place to land.
Clean Regularly
Regularly cleaning your bathroom will ensure that mould spores that have found a place to land are wiped out quickly. By scrubbing your bathroom surfaces with cleaning solution and disinfectant, you will effectively kill any harmful bacteria that have decided to grow. We recommend. While there are cleaning products specifically created for mould removal, any standard cleaning detergent or white vinegar should do the trick in the early preventative stages.
While cleaning your bathroom surfaces, floors, and roof is essential, it’s also important to be picking up anything that has been resting on the floor or any health and beauty products that may be hiding small pockets of moisture behind or underneath them. Incorporate a weekly bathroom clean into your routine to keep on top of any potential outbreaks!
Open up Your Space After Use
A very simple method when it comes to knowing how to stop mould in a bathroom that involves hardly any work is to ensure that you’re always opening up your bathroom space after use. This means opening bathroom doors, windows, and shower curtains, to allow any moisture in the air to escape. People with stall-style shower spaces may even want to prop open the shower door for extra moisture prevention. If this humidity can’t escape, it is more likely to create condensation on the walls, roof, and any other small space it can find, creating the ideal breeding ground for mould.
One point that many people often overlook is making sure that your shower curtain isn’t left tucked into your bathtub once you’ve finished showering. This can prevent your shower curtain from properly airing out and drying. In addition to this, keeping your bathroom space open, even when you haven’t just showered, can further ensure that the space is kept dry.
Install a Bathroom Fan
Following on from that, it’s important to install an exhaust fan in your bathroom, to assist with pushing moisture and humidity out of the often-cramped space. Builders these days are well-versed on how to stop mould in a bathroom, so it’s common for most bathrooms to already have this installed. Bathroom fans are especially effective for smaller rooms that may not have large windows for moisture to escape from. Make sure you’re also cleaning this fan every few months, to ensure that dust and other particles aren’t building up inside.
Update Your Shower Curtain and Bathmat
Your shower curtain and bathmat can be a breeding group for mould if they aren’t properly dried and replaced often. Due to the absorbent material of most bathmats and towels, moisture is easily trapped inside them for longer periods. Mix a wet bathmat with the wet flooring/ tile grout beneath it and you’ve got double the opportunity for mould to form.
Updating your bathmats doesn’t mean you need to buy a completely new one every few months, it just means that you should always cycle through a few of them every 2-3 weeks, and thoroughly wash the ones not in use. For your shower curtain, you should always go with a smooth, consistent texture. Curtains that have excessive ridges or texture will trap moisture in these small cracks and pockets, and as we’ve learnt so far, moisture is the enemy!
Wipe Down Surfaces After Use
Lastly, wipe down any surfaces after showering. Simply use an extra bathroom towel to ensure that any surfaces that may hold moisture are dry. Ensure you’re getting in the corners and cracks of your bathroom cabinets and basin and don’t neglect the underside of your surfaces either. If you’re really motivated to prevent mould you may want to invest in a squeegee to wipe excess water from your shower screen.
Preventative Plumbing
Investing in preventive plumbing is a great way to get your home checked for any potential issues that may be causing mould damage. Simple maintenance checks can be done by a licensed plumber to ensure your home’s systems are in working order and aren’t experiencing any issues. This could be in the form of unnoticed leaks, drips, or standing water that are causing wet patches and condensation where mould can form. Preventative plumbing can also include checking the cleanliness of your pipes to ensure that bacteria and wet matter aren’t building up or creating blockages where mould can also grow.
Trust the Akins Plumbing Team
If your still not sure how to stop mould in your bathroom or your bathroom fixtures require removal due to mould damage, it’s important to speak to a professional about the process. We are one of the leading plumber Brisbane teams. Akins Plumbing has been providing exceptional services for over 40 years. We specialise in residential bathroom upgrades and maintenance services. We provide efficient service from trustworthy professionals that are here to help every step of the way.
For more information please give us a call on (07) 3891 7480, or you can get in touch online. You can also e-mail for hot water system quotes, service requests or general enquiries.